Winter Exposure and Neglect: Judge Menno – Norfolk County Probate; Dr. Richard Wolman – Boston Psychologist; and Attorney Michele Dorsey – Scituate, MA condone:

Winter ExposureWinter Exposure


Judge Menno – Norfolk County Probate; Dr.  Richard Wolman – Boston Psychologist; and Attorney Michele Dorsey – Scituate, MA…  condone:

  1.  Child neglect;

  2.  Methodically underfeeding a ten year old child, so as to cause a medically documented 15 pounds weight loss;

  3.  Suicidal thoughts of a child, while living under the primary caregiver’s roof;

  4.  Dr. Wolman threatening the child, if he continued to ask to live with his father;

  5.  And parental alienation.

Patience Personified

Ultimately, all evidence rolls up to the judge, and it is at his or her discretion to pull truth from conjecture, speculation and lies. I’ve seen a pile of documented evidence in this case ignored. A probate judge also has the ability to intervene throughout a case and do the right thing. While some judges, within the U.S. judicial system, have limited discretion in their sentencing, probate judges perhaps have some of the broadest authority and discretion in sentencing and how they conduct their courtroom.

The probate judge’s power appears unlimited. They serve without term limit, and are not democratically elected. Moreover, based upon my correspondence with the Massachusetts Bar concerning Attorney Michele Dorsey (Scituate, MA) and her role in this matter it is my understanding that all complaints and disciplinary action, in regards Attorney Dorsey and her role as both mediator and parenting coordinator, also rolls up to Judge Menno. There appear to be no Massachusetts rules or laws governing the Guardian Ad Litem role either. Here again, any complaints or issues concerning same appear to be within the Judge’s domain.

But who is ultimately responsible for Judge Menno, and his professional behavior?

Judge Menno sat in the same trial that I witnessed, and presumably saw the same evidence and heard the same testimony I did. The evidence my attorney and I brought to this case was not refuted, and there was plenty of evidence suggesting that the many collaterals, and court appointees, in this case had either lied at various points in this process, or were inept in their roles and failed to perform. But perhaps this is standard operating procedure in Plymouth County Probate System? Or maybe this just they way Judge Menno conducts his courtroom affairs.

If Judge Menno thought this case was “frivolous,” and I fail to see how underfeeding a nine year old boy to the tune of fifteen pounds, et al., then why did he conduct four day trial?  If the matter had already been decided prior to the fourth day of trail than why conduct it? And to hear both father’s and mother’s attorneys speak – it appears that the matter was a foregone conclusion (see proceeding chapter). Unless conducting the trial was strategic in nature, and there was another motive? Either way, serious resources were brought to bear, and this money could have gone to Chris and/or his future.

And I’m afraid that money is what this entire matter was about, almost certainly from Margaret Kenney’s perspective, and possibly from the perspective of the Probate Industrial Complex. After all, there are professionals to feed. That Chris undoubtedly suffered at the hands of his mother is in no doubt from my perspective or the perspective of my son. And I believe any rational adult reading this book will concur. The suffering endured by my son was both physical and psychological in nature, while under the care of his mother.   And I little doubt that my son’s suffering continues to this very day. Having been rewarded by the courts for her behavior, one cannot imagine that Margaret changed her behavior, but rather her behavior was reinforced by Judge Menno.

What I have not discussed in this book is the role my son’s therapist played in this matter, Doctor Sol Levin. And there is a great deal that I do not know about this man’s relationship with my son. I do know this however, early in the process Dr. Sol Levin called me into his office after a visit with Chris, and asked for the GAL’s name and address. The doctor was visibly upset, and clearly wanted to discuss this matter with the authorities or the GAL. Chris opened up to me after this session that he had unloaded to Doctor Levin, like a “volcano,” all that was going on in his mother’s home. And yet, in the GAL report, as documented and testified to on the first day of trial, Doctor Wolman only spent fifteen minutes with my son’s therapist, Dr. Levin. So the only independent and professional source, who supposedly knew and spent time with my son, and Doctor Wolman allocates fifteen minutes with this individual, my son’s therapist.

Sounds like the fix was in.

Doctor Levin is yet another of Judge Menno appointees. As such he’s just another member of the Probate Industrial Complex. Doctor Levin and I spoke a couple of times, and he seemed very much in awe of attorney Dorsey. Of course, after this case was over there would be other cases and possible referrals down the road. It wouldn’t do for a member of the probate industrial complex to rock the boat, and cut oneself off from a peer or upset another professional or colleague. The peer pressure for these professionals to mutually agree, and get along and go along must be tremendous. In November 2011, after I had not seen Chris for three months my attorney recommended that I call Doctor Levin to learn how my son was doing. One of the key things Doctor Levin had to say during our call was that Chris missed me and asked about me often. He also went on to say that the professionals involved in this case were deciding if I should be reintroduced into Chris’ life.

It appears that the professionals in the case were so disturbed by my blog, that nobody read, that they would exact retribution by withholding visitation from my son.

What follows is a timeline and a brief narrative on my interaction with the Plymouth County Probate Court. As for the findings of fact, Judge Menno appears to have copied attorney Cantwell’s findings, verbatim typos and all.   We were told in the 2.5 months leading up to Judge Menno’s decision that he was working very hard on the case, and putting forth a great deal of time and energy into his decision making, per his secretary or judicial assistant.

As the reader will see… from the date Chris asked me if his mother was trying to kill him (by deliberately withholding food) to the date the ruling was rendered was almost two years. Of course, Maragaret’s Attorney, State Rep. James Cantwell, promised he would drag this trial out indefinitely, against the wishes and best interests of my son.

Many have said I lacked patience in the handling of this trial; but when your son is manipulated like a pawn by Massachusetts Legal professionals (and is suicidal while under his mother’s care), out of presumed maliciousness and greed, what’s a father to do but expose these individuals for their corruption and incompetence. Two years to try this case, and another year of court room proceedings – initiated by Margaret afterwards – I believe I deserve an award for patience.

Probate Court Time Line of Events:

May 2010:

Michele Dorsey of Safe Harbor is appointed parenting coordinator against the wishes of the father, by Judge Menno.

Michele Dorsey’s documented bias against the father in the case, not withstanding.

Instead of appointing a GAL to investigate this matter, the Judge agrees to have both parties go in for psychological evaluation. This psychological testing option, in lieu of the appointment of the GAL, originated from Margaret, her attorney and Michele Dorsey.

Father appeals the Judge’s appointment of a parenting coordinator, providing among many reasons that the judge does not have the authority to appoint a parenting coordinator.   The judge denies the appeal.

October 2010:

Father files for contempt because of Margaret’s refusal to adhere to Judge’s orders that they submit to psychological review.  Of course, psychological review was Margaret’s idea in May 2010, in lieu of appointing a GAL. Jim Cantwell indicates that he did not know the costs involved with a psychological exam when they originally recommended it in May 2010.

The judge declines to hold Margaret in contempt, and reverses his earlier order- rescinding the order for psychological review.

Chris is to begin attending therapy, as ordered by the judge.

The court declines to appoint a GAL.

November 2010:

The judge reverses himself, again, and agrees that a GAL should investigate this matter.

Trial is scheduled for 6-20 and 6-22-11.

January 2011:

Two months later, the judge handpicks Dr. Wolman to be the GAL.

Doctor Wolman’s track record in this matter and testimony speak for themselves, and are possibly a reflection upon the judge and the probate system.

February 2011

Without explanation the Judge shortens the trial to a single day in June.

May 2011

Dr. Wolman (Judge Menno’s appointee) authorized Margaret to conduct her own investigation on the father’s property with a very upset child, Chris, in tow.

Parenting coordinator, Michele Dorsey, (also Judge’s appointee) also thinks that Margaret conducting an investigation on my property is a good idea in the presence of Chris, and states it’s a matter of “safety.”

(Interesting: When my son we beaten up by neighborhood bullies, at his mother’s residence, and threatened with a BB gun (or when Chris was suicidal under his mother’s care), Michele Dorsey – Judge Menno’s appointee – did not feel that this was a matter of “safety.”)

Father files a restraining order against the mother, due to concerns for his safety and his son’s safety.

Judge Menno agrees to a hearing on the restraining order request.

Judge Menno at the hearing denies restraining order and indicates that the father has made “big mistake” in filing the restraining order.

GAL, Doctor Wolman, issues his report, nearly 60 days late, and eight thousand dollars over the amount budgeted by the court.

It is clear to the father, and this is later revealed in court testimony, and documented in this book, that the GAL appears not to have done his job (by any reasonable standard or expectation), and did not investigate, or simply ignored, the father’ complaints and concerns.

Subsequently, the Judge does not hold the GAL accountable

June 2011

The Probate court is overbooked, and the trail is postponed for July.  This is the first time the trial is delayed.

However, the Judge agrees to hear an emergency request by Team Margaret (comprised of Margaret, her attorney, Michele Dorsey of Safe Harbor and Doctor Wolman) that father’s visits with son should be supervised.  Team Margaret now allege Chris is suicidal, but fail to recognize that he lives with his mother, 99% of the time.

Dr. Wolman and Parenting Coordinator, Michele Dorsey, testify on the mother’s behalf; however, they offer no new information, since the GAL report was issued which recommended no change in custody or visitation.  Michele Dorsey of Safe Harbor Mediation was aware of Chris’ suicidal thoughts, allegedly made in Margaret’s home, and took no action against the father earlier in the month of June (two weeks prior to the June hearing), during a parenting coordinator session.

Nor did the child therapist express any concerns, during the month of June.  My attorney describes this as a “trial by ambush.”

July 2011

We appear in court in July, and again, the court is overbooked for the second time; and for the two day’s scheduled in July for trial, we only hear two hours of testimony.  This is the second time the trial is delayed.

The judge appears ill, and the proceedings are cancelled short, with the idea that we are to continue in August.  There are no court dates in August.  This is the third time this trial is delayed.

Dr. Wolman reveals in court testimony that he did not investigate many of the documented and acknowledged allegations made by father against the mother and her collaterals.

Despite Dr. Wolman’s credibility issue, the judge takes no action.

August 2011:

Father, out of fear and concern for his son’s safety, and because of the inconsistencies in the Plymouth County Probate court (including by this time, three trial delays), and in order to advance his son’s wishes to live with his father, begins publishing his blog.  The blog makes no threats to anyone, but merely publishes many of the facts of the case, much of which are or will be a matter of public record.

Parenting coordinator, Michele Dorsey (the Judge appointee) orders the blog shut down, and suspends visitation, stating the blog harms the son.

Father told to shut down his site by his attorney, and father immediately complies.  Suspension of visitation, however, remains in force.  Court dates are now reestablished for late September and early October.

September 2011: 

Father files three separate emergency requests within the Massachusetts Probate system, requesting that visitation be restored.   My attorney informs me that it is highly unusual that the judges would not hear these emergency requests, and it is more unusual that the judges appear to be talking to one another.

Probate Judge #1 denies the request.  (The first time the emergency request is denied)

Probate Judge #2 denies request. (The second time the emergency request is denied)

And finally, Judge Menno denies emergency request, indicating he will hear the request at next week’s hearing. (The third time the emergency request to restore visitation is denied)

Second day of trial in late September (the first day of Trial was in July), the judge suggests he will make a decision on the emergency request to restore father’s visitation after hearing Parenting Coordinator, Michele Dorsey, on the next court date. (The fourth time the emergency request is denied)

Father testifies second day of trial.

October 2011:

Third day of trial, Parenting Coordinator and Dr. Wolman testify…. Both recommend the same exact terms for father: supervised visitation and a suspension of the father’s rights, and that the father should go to therapy.  Michele Dorsey is not a trained mental health professional; and Dr. Wolman would appear to lack credibility given his failings as a GAL, his courtroom testimony, and poor guidance given to the mother, in regards conducting her own investigation.  Michele Dorsey, Judge Menno’s appointee, labors on the witness stand, her face is scarlet, and she cannot remember many things, despite being a mediator for the last five years.  Father believes Michele Dorsey makes many misstatements on the witness stand.

Judge Menno suggest that they will make ruling on the emergency order on the next trial date, after hearing Margaret Kenney. (The fifth time the emergency request to restore visitation is denied)

Fourth day of trial, Margaret Kenney testifies, and Judge now states that he will make a request on the emergency request to restore visitation by no later than November 9th(The sixth time the emergency request to restore visitation is denied).

(Author’s note: With all these delays in making a decision on the emergency order, could this have been due to Judge Menno having already made up his mind on his ruling, before the trial had even begun?)

The father through documentation illustrates throughout proceedings that the mother underfed child, so that he lost at least fifteen pounds in two separate incidents (as documented by Doctors Sousa and Stanley).  It was documented that the child missed 31 homework assignments (even though his mother is a school teacher), while under his mother’s care for the fifth grade.   It is freely acknowledged that he was locked out of his mother’s house, and that the mother is mean to the child (which she admits to on the witness stand), and the mother is a danger to household pets.  Chris is also poorly clothed in the winter months, and has been repeatedly tested again and again for learning disabilities. His stepbrother, per Chris, has been tested repeatedly for drugs, has anger management issues, and as acknowledged by the GAL has drawn swastikas on the basement walls and punched holes in the wall. It is acknowledged by the mother that Chris has fainted, or nearly fainted, at school (twice) and during mass in front of the congregation – so that medical attention was sought. Doctor Sousa attributes the fainting spells to lack of food. While in the mother’s care in Summer 2011, Chris has repeated suicidal thoughts.

The mother testifies on the witness stand the Chris is aware that his mother hates father, clear evidence of parental alienation.

Mother admits at the trial that Chris loves his father, is upset at not seeing his father, and is miserable. Moreover, there is no documented evidence providing by Team Margaret showing parenting alienation on the part of father. Nor has father ever been convicted of a crime, been to rehab or tested positively for drugs.

And yet, Judge Menno does nothing.

November 2011:

Judge does not rule on interim order for restoration of visitation on 11-9-11, as he committed to doing.  (This is the seventh time the emergency request to restore visitation is denied.)

My attorney, after stating she would do everything in her power to restore visitation by 11-9, and after she filed two emergency – interim orders, now states we must wait for final ruling.  Why?

November 9, 2011 all documents are into court, final argument and final pleadings, etc.

December 2011:

The judge, through his secretary, now says that he will make a comprehensive decision before Christmas. The secretary assures everyone that the judge is working very hard on the matter.

January 2012:

A decision signed 12-28-11 is received on 1-3-12.   The four-page decision took two and a half months to create; and the findings of fact released by Judge Menno are those proposed by Team Margaret, complete with typos, errors, known inconsistencies with documented evidence, and omissions.

Massachusetts’ Shakedown!

Massachusetts’ Shakedown!

Clearly I made a mistake by marrying Margaret. But Chris was not a mistake and in fact is a gift from God. And Chris is by far the greatest person I have met in this world. My friends have often questioned me as to why I feel this way… maybe it’s because Chris taught me what real love is, which is unconditional. In my darker moments I feel that many people have taken advantage of me, because of my family ties for my son.

But that’s neither here nor there. At the end of the day, the question remains, why should Chris continue to suffer while under Margaret’s dysfunctional care.

As the following numbers show the Probate Industrial Complex had no problems helping themselves to my family’s assets… money, which could have been allocated to Chris’ future, had the Judge Menno’s Court functioned properly, or if the “professionals” involved in this case conducted themselves ethically, expeditiously, and appropriately.

But I guess there’s not much money in that is there?

However, when you are held to no ethical or professional standard by the State of Massachusetts, or by the judges overseeing their fellow cadres, abuse is sure to follow.


First Counsel  Jennifer Digregorio
Fed $3,100.00
April $1,000.00
June $3,000.00
Sept $2,000.00
Nov $2,000.00
Dec $1,500.00
March $1,200.00
April $1,000.00
May $1,250.00
June $2,000.00
July $1,000.00
July $10,000.00
July $7,000.00
October $2,000.00
October $5,000.00
December $1,500.00
Total $45,470.00
Second Counsel  Sandy Durland III
Summer $6,000.00
July $3,995.00
August $635.00
Total $10,630.00
Payment to Dr. Richard Wolman
January $5,000.00
April $5,000.00
May $3,500.00
June $3,500.00
July $3,500.00
Total $20,500.00
Estimates Michele Dorsey  Attorney, Scituate, MA
Jan ’10 through August ’11 $8,470.00
Court Costs Ordered by Judge Menno
 State Rep. Cantwell $16,500.00
 Mr. Cantwell is the brother in law of Mr. Durland III (see above).
Total $101,570.00
Does not include therapy costs for my son, or the therapy ordered by the court.



The tragedy does not end with the money expended on this case. Margaret also receives child support payments of roughly $30,000 a year. This adds up to $360,000 after tax dollars I have ponied up. Last I checked Margaret had placed less than $10,000 in Chris’ college fund, and Chris often wears beat up clothing, or as we saw in winter 2011 seasonally inappropriate clothing.

So where does it all go?

It certainly isn’t spent upon Chris. So lets make that the final reform, the first $5,000 of any and all child support payments, annually, must go to the child’s college fund.

A Stain on Massachusetts

A Stain on Massachusetts

Or the Top Fifty Lessons Learned from Plymouth County Probate… 

“In general, the powerful and influential in our society shape the laws and have great influence on the legislature or the Congress.  This creates a reluctance to change because the powerful and the influential have carved out for themselves or have inherited a privileged position in our society, of wealth and social prominence or higher education or opportunity for the future.  What can we still do to restore equity and justice or to preserve it or to enhance it in this society?”    

–  Governor Jimmy Carter, May 4th 1974 – Law Day Address, University of Georgia

By J.M. Hamilton  12-25-13

After a thirteen year child custody battle, and more than a half million spent on legal fees and child support, here’s what I have learned about the Massachusetts Probate Courts (specifically in Plymouth County):

1)  If you nine year old comes to you and asks if you, ” Is mommy  trying to kill me (?),” if you’re a caring father, your life is about to be turned upside down.

2)  Further supporting the medical evidence showing inexplicable weight loss, your son can  black out in front of the school twice, and in front of an entire church congregation as an Altar Boy, due to lack of proper nutrition, and the Judge won’t do a damn thing.

3)  A mother can underfeed her nine year old, as documented by medical records, to the tune of fifteen pounds, and she will not be held accountable by the Plymouth County Probate courts, particularly Judge Menno.

4)  A mother can lock her son out of her home, at least three times that I’m aware of, and she will not be held accountable by the Plymouth County Probate courts (aka Judge Menno).

5)  A mother can under-cloth her son, so that he is sick for six consecutive weeks in the dead of a Massachusetts winter, and the Plymouth County Probate Courts will not grant a change in custody.

6)  You can present pictures of yours son’s bleeding hands, as a result of exposure, and the professionals and the judge will dismiss the evidence as a “rash.”

7)  The mother can abuse pets and animals, and in some instances make them disappear over the course of a weekend, and the Court appointed psychiatrist, Dr. Wolman (Boston), will dismiss this, as “improbable.”

8)  Mom can remarry, and bring into your son’s life a stepson, who abuses your son, beats on him, and has a rap sheet on Google the length of your arm, and the Plymouth County Probate court doesn’t care.

8.3)  Mom can call your son an “idiot” and “hyper, “and drag him from professional doctor to psychiatrist in the effort to have him diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, or the childhood disorder de jour – Autism, all throughout your son’s elementary school years (with every doctor repeating that there is ‘not a problem’); and when your son turns out to  be the straight A student – in his middle school years-  you maintained your son would always be, the Judge Menno will give your Ex full credit.

8.5)  If you think your Ex has Munchhausens syndrome, because she squanders $33,000 in child support on attorneys and doctors -annually, and your son asks you why he is “poor,” you are probably right, she does have Munchhausens.

8.7)  If your son misses thirty-one homework assignments, and your Ex might be a teacher within the Marshfield school district, the school administration, and the Plymouth County probate Judge Menno will give mommy a passing grade.

9)  Your son can be suicidal, under the care of his mother, for the duration of an entire Summer, and the Plymouth County Probate court will NOT grant a change of custody, but they’ll blame the father.

10)  If your Ex is smart, she’ll hire the local State Rep, Jim Cantwell, who has come out of retirement from his law practice, to represent her.

11)  It will be painfully clear to everyone in the courtroom why the State Rep. Jim Cantwell retired from the practice of law, and went into the politics; and yet, he will prevail because cronyism, politics and corruption trumps the rule of law and prima facie evidence in Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

12)  A prominent Boston attorney, Sandy Durland III, told me that my Ex had underfed my son, by sending him to bed without dinner – over the span of weeks.

13)  Judge Menno will see to it that only long established “friends/cronies” of the court are appointed to the key roles of parenting coordinator and guardian ad litem (i.e. court appointed investigator).

14)  The courtroom proceedings are a charade, the real decision making goes on in the star chamber within the judge’s office.

15)  A “parenting coordinator,” Attorney Michele Dorsey (Scituate MA), is a surrogate for the court, and has the “ex-officio” powers of a judge, w/out being required to practice the rule of law or due process.  Avoid the hiring of a parenting coordinator at all costs.

16)  If there is an obvious conflict of interest and you have signed a mediation agreement with a Plymouth County attorney, and this same attorney, Michele Dorsey (Scituate, MA) is dispensing legal advice to the mother in this case….. the Plymouth County probate judge, Menno, will still appoint this same attorney as a surrogate to his court, and assign her to be a “parenting coordinator.”

17)  When you point out the obvious ethical issues of the Judge’s parenting coordinator appointment to the Massachusetts Bar, they will side with the Judge Menno’s decision; that is to say, your Ex’s attorney/mediator/court appointed parenting coordinator, Michele Dorsey.

18)  If the parenting coordinator divides the payment of her fees in a disproportionate manner, say 70% father/30% mother…. BEWARE!   Your former spouse has absolutely no incentive to work things out with you; but rather, has every incentive to drag you before the parenting coordinator on every single issue, monthly.

19)  The parenting coordinator (PC), Michele Dorsey (Scituate MA) will not rein this behavior in, because after all, she is being paid, every time your Ex drags you into another meeting with her.

20)  You and your son are “scrod,” when the parenting coordinator is meeting with your Ex on the side, via phone and personal meetings.  Ignore the fact – at your peril – that you are being charged for these meetings, which you are not a part of, and when you ask for information or records concerning these meetings – you are denied.

21)  The divorce rates in the country is 50% for first time marriages and higher for second marriages.  If you have children, there is a higher probability than not that your divorce will not be amicable and that you will end up going through a probate court.

22)  Probate courts have some of the broadest powers of any other court in the land, that is to say, discretionary, arbitrary, and capricious power. These probate court powers are inimical to the rule of law and are likely unconstitutional, as they deprive persons of property, liberty, and the right to freely associate with family.

23)  Family law attorneys do not work on Fridays, and they take off the month of August, along with the Plymouth County Probate Court – Judge Menno – even if your son is suicidal while under his mother’s care.

24)  If you are looking for a Hollywood ending to your court room proceedings, where truth and facts triumph over local politics and cronyism, particularly in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, well… forget about it.

25)  When you report your Ex to DCF – the Marshfield Independent School District Principal, Mrs. Hubbard, will lie and cover up for your Ex, even though you’ve just been chewed out by this same school administration because your son missed 31 homework assignments, and are told your son is having a terrible year – while under mommy’s care.

26)  When you tell the District school Superintendent, Mr. Scott Borstel, that the principal lied to DCF – the Superintendent will “conduct an investigation” and tell you it was okay that she lied.

27). The GAL, Dr. Wolman (Boston), or court appointed investigator, can admit on the witness stand that he did not do his job and investigate the case, and the Plymouth County Probate Judge will just smile.

28). The GAL, Dr. Wolman, will threaten your son if he asks to live with his father.

29). The GAL, Dr. Wolman (Boston) will tell the mother it is okay for her to conduct her own personal investigation on the father’s property in the middle of a trial.

30). The GAL, Dr. Richard Wolman (Boston), will lie about his investigative instructions to your Ex on the witness stand, only to admit to it in subsequent testimony, and the judge will still deem him to be a competent and credible witness.

31). Despite all the horrific acts your Ex has committed against your son, the GAL will say the key point in the trial is when you filed a restraining order against the mother for conducting an investigation on your property.

32). Everyone acknowledges the obvious double-standard: that had I conducted an investigation on mother’s property I would be arrested or worse, shot.

33).  Your son’s doctor in Pembroke, MA, Dr. Stanley, can lie about your son’s weight loss, alter medical records, and the Massachusetts board of medicine will not hold your son’s doctor accountable.  This Dr. Stanley will lie and say your son must have had “rocks in his pockets” to account for the fifteen pound weight loss.

34). When any of the professionals involved in this case say they are looking out for the interests of your son, you know some highly self-serving SH!T is about to come down.

35). The stated goal of he State Rep, Jim Cantwell, was to drag these proceedings out for three years -completely contrary to the interests of my son, and against the ethical rules governing attorneys in the State of Massachusetts.

36). After four years in the Plymouth County probate court, I’m completely convinced the goal of the probate Judge Menno was to keep you tied up in his courtroom so that you generate fees for the local counsel, therapist and psychiatrist.

37). The Psychiatric profession is under fire in this country as President Obama’s appointee – and the lead psychiatrist – has pointed out that the profession and the DSM is not backed by science or biology.  In short, the profession is a fraud.

38). If you witness child abuse and the beating of children at a scouting event in Marshfield , MA — don’t report it to the parenting coordinator, Michele Dorsey, Judge Menno, the Boy Scouts, or the GAL, Dr. Wolman (Boston) because they will not investigate it and you will pay the price for reporting same.

39). Doctors, lawyers, teachers, parenting coordinators, mediators, school principals…. Apparently, nobody is a “mandated court reporter” in Plymouth County, w/ no obligation to report child abuse.

40). Some Marshfield parents still believe it is acceptable to hit, beat and strangle their children.

41). When I found out my son was suicidal under the care of his mother, and the professionals in this case continued to do nothing, I published a blog about my experiences with the Plymouth County Probate court.

42). After the trial was over, I wrote a book entitled Mrs. Marshfield, which was written largely based upon actual court room testimony and court room evidence.  I believe the book should be required reading for any parents with children, considering divorce, or any parents considering having children within the institution of marriage.

43) Judge Menno ruled that I had a first amendment right to publish the book; however, as he deemed the book to be harmful to my son – he suspended visitation for over a year.

44). To date, no medical or psychiatric evidence has been presented that my son ever saw the book or was in any way harmed by the book.  In fact my son is thriving and a straight A student…. exactly as I foretold.

45). The parties enraged by the book, Mrs. Marshfield, are the cadre of “professionals” who make up the probate industrial complex; that is to say, the star chamber.

46). In Fall 2013, the judge also reasoned that since I did not continue to litigate in his courtroom, I did not deserve to see my son.  The definition of insanity is for my family to attempt and continue to litigate in Plymouth County Probate.

47). Judge Menno conveniently forgot that my State Senator had requested that this same judge, Menno, be investigated, which resulted in an investigation spanning over six months, and I had asked the judge to recuse himself.

48). The evidence and statement of facts would suggest that Judge Menno just made up his decision- w/out regard to the facts or evidence presented in this case.

49). The same prominent Boston attorney, Mr. Sandy Durland III, who told me that my Ex systematically underfed my son, also told me that the judge in this case used to be competent but that he now took shortcuts with the law to reach his desired outcome.  This prominent Boston attorney is the brother in law of the State Rep, Jim Cantwell, who represented my Ex.  I guess he would know.

50). The behavior of Judge Menno and the professionals in this case is arguably criminal, likely unconstitutional; but like some of the more unsavory actions and recent revelations of the NSA, may be possibly legal and permitted by law.  At least for now.
Back in 1974, Jimmy Carter, then Governor Carter, gave a famous speech at the University of Georgia attacking our corrupt legal system, dominated by legal elites, the rich and the powerful.  Today, little has changed and it probably has grown worse.  Lady justice has lifted her blindfold, and with a wink and a nod, her scales of justice have been piled high with loot and tilted in favor of the elite and backroom/crony dealings.  The two trials that I have been a part of in Plymouth County were little more than playacting.

The majority of our judges are not elected in this country but are appointed for life, which essentially means their power is nearly absolute.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely, just as we saw in this case.  And the war of attrition and endless delays-that is often the core strategy of our modern day courts- perverts justice at every turn.  That, and it is widely known that justice is all too often for sale in this country.

“Justice delayed is justice denied.”  Mr. Gladstone told us that.

Our family law courts damage, and in some instances, destroy young lives, as many lawyers and many professionals play their games and take money away from families that can ill afford to pay or play their game.  The Plymouth County Probate court is a stain on the State of Massachusetts, and state bureaus and boards responsible for overseeing the “professionals” further damage the state’s reputation.  I believe there is a special place in hell for medical and psychiatric professionals, teachers and judges who abuse, and/or aid and abet, the manipulation of children.  It’s the tenth ring of hell or Plymouth County Probate by any other name.

Ultimately, as we live in a democracy – Americans get the government we deserve; that is to say, as long as we tolerate tenured judges and politicians, a crony system of elites running our courts and government for their own personal enrichment – U.S. citizens should expect to be preyed upon and sustain continued injustice on a monumental scale…. especially at the expense of our children.

As for myself, I have never missed a support payment, never missed a scheduled visitation, remained gainfully employed for in excess of thirty years, have no criminal record, and have never entered rehab for the abuse of drugs; and I am eminently better able to provide and afford a better life and care for my son, than the current circumstances my son finds himself consigned to.

While I am not going to publish the names of the individuals involved in this case – for fear of the continued abuse of power and reprisals against me and my son – I am publishing the docket numbers, which are a matter of public record.  Perhaps some enterprising reporter, or lawyer or a politician with a conscience, would like to take a look at the corruption within the Plymouth County Probate court?

Should you visit Plymouth County, please give the judges my regards.

Docket Number:  PL02D 1047-DR
Docket Number:  PL02D 1047-FM1