Michele Dorsey (Scituate MA), Meeting Notes in the Matter of Dumke V. Kenney:

Michele Dorsey (Scituate MA), Meeting Notes in the Matter of Dumke V. Kenney:


August 2011


Michele Dorsey was appointed Parenting Coordinator by Judge Menno, Plymouth County Probate on May 2010:

Excerpt: Mother, Ms. Kenney  (aka Meg Vannata – Kenney), is explaining sons suicidal tendencies while under her care. Mother has had custody of son since his birth, and yet, she reports our son is suicidal while under her care.


“ Mother notes ‘son’ stood crying often in the evening. One time, ‘son’ remarked that, ‘In heaven, you just live forever and forever.’ He often says, ‘I hate my life.’ One night he had a nightmare and woke up saying he was so disturbed and it’s awful, awful. Mother consoled him and he went back to sleep. Mother says he complains of headaches or stomach aches after seeing his father. He said once, ‘I have a headache from the guilt.’ Mother thinks he’s feeling pressure of the conflict between his parents. He doesn’t enjoy things he had traditionally enjoyed, like sailing. He resists going, talks about dying on the boat, although he seems to enjoy sailing when he gets there.


He tells Mother he isn’t looking forward to the 6th grade; that he has no friends.


Father says ‘son’ is happy when he comes over he is very happy. Father see a lot of happiness and joy. They shopped last weekend and got some legos.  Chris plays with them and sings. He sang (sic) seemed happy this past Sunday even though he was raining (sic). Father says his mood changes on Sunday and into Monday morning because he doesn’t want to go home.”


Not only can Attorney Dorsey not write, but neither did she take care of my son, while he lost 15 pounds under his mother’s “care;” and Attorney Dorsey did not take care of my son, while he was suicidal under his mother’s care in Summer 2011. In fact, she left him in his mother’s care.  Due to Ms. Dorsey’s, and the Menno Courts failure to assist, aid and help my son (and not honor my son’s repeated requests to live with father), I, father, wrote a blog about these events, and as a result and as a reprisal from the court, I was denied visitation and access to my son.  My constitutional rights have been repeatedly violated, as have my sons.  To date, no evidence has ever been presented that my son has been harmed by this blog or the book, Mrs. Marshfield.  Despite having a history of meeting every child support payment, attending every scheduled visitation, and no criminal record, I have been denied access to my son for three years, because I told the truth about this case.

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